Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Case of the lazies?

Ever have a gut feeling that you shouldn't do something? I mean, it does not even have to be about anything important, just something inside you that makes you hesitate. I'm having that feeling today, and it is about going outside to walk my 3.5 miles that I walk all the time. As I ponder my gut feeling, I cannot decide what to do about it. There could be several reasons why I might be feeling that exercising today is a mistake... For instance, maybe my "secret 6th sense", (oops, not secret anymore) is trying to alert me of danger. 

What type of danger, you might ask? Well, that's a good question. I know, because I asked myself the same one. Here are several reasons I have come up with so far. Some make sense, and the rest, well, keep reading. 

Reason number 1 is that my body is very sore from walking/Pilates yesterday, and the pain is really my body telling me to take a rest day. Reason number 2, it is cloudy and I have heard thunder and the forecast is calling for rain/thunderstorms. This could also be my secret 6th sense trying to keep me from getting struck by lightening. The third reason is that there may be an escaped convict hiding in the woods just waiting and watching for someone to walk by. If I don't go walking, it cannot possibly be me, said convict attacks/murders.

 Reason number 4: Even though most of the dogs I usually come across are friendly (except these three psycho dogs that try to bite me every time), maybe there is one that has eluded it's fence and is hungry for the next person to walk by! I have said a few prayers while walking that some of the fences stay shut, or that the electronic collars have fresh batteries in them, because there are some ferocious dogs behind visible and/or invisible fences that I would not like to meet in the road! Reason number 5: Yesterday there was a dead poisonous snake in the road and I just about stepped on it. Today there could be one that is alive that I do step on and it bites me.

And the last reason is the one that makes the most sense to me. Reason number 6: I am just feeling lazy today and my mind is rapidly coming up with any type of excuse to keep me from getting my exercise that is good for me and makes me feel better mentally as well as physically. I think I will go with the latter, what about you? What do you do when you don't feel like doing your daily exercise?